Privacy & Policy

Personal Data

Why should You choose us to register with Code X Nebula? We will use your personal data to improve our services, as set forth in this Privacy Policy and any applicable service-specific agreement, such as the Terms and Conditions for Publishers or the Terms and Conditions for Advertisers. We may collect personal data such as first name, last name, address, email address, telephone number, birth date, billing and credit card information.

Personally Non-Identifiable Information

Personally non-identifiable information provided by You at the time of registration or when using some of our services will not be sufficient to identify or contact you. This information may include demographics, age, education level, profession, gender, etc. Code X Nebula may aggregate this information for statistical purposes, sharing it with affiliates, agents, and business partners.

Aggregated Personal Data

Code X Nebula may aggregate personal data provided to the Site by You for a better understanding of our users. The aggregated information does not personally identify You and may be shared with affiliates, agents, and business partners for lawful purposes.

Sharing Information

Code X Nebula may share your personal data with third parties in certain circumstances, including agents, consultants, business partners, legal requirements, and business transfers.

Links To Other Web Sites

This Privacy Policy is only applicable to this Site and not to third-party sites.

Other Terms And Conditions

Code X Nebula reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice. It is advisable to review this policy periodically, especially before providing any personal data.

Opt-Out Policy

If, after registering, You don’t want to receive information from us or have questions about the use of information provided by You, please contact us.

How To Contact Us

For questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the collection of personal data from this Site, please contact us through our website by completing the online email form.

Use Of Personal Data

Code X Nebula will use personal data provided by You in line with this Privacy Policy or any applicable service-specific agreement. We will use personal data that You provide only for the specific reason it was provided for, such as during registration or gaining access to the Site. We and our affiliates use your personal data and other personally non-identifiable information to improve content, functionality, and services for a better user experience.

Passively Collected Information

We receive and store additional personally non-identifiable information provided by You through the Site, such as IP addresses, browser types, and other anonymous statistical data. This information, at present, cannot be used to identify you.


We may use “cookies” on this Site to provide additional functionality and analyze Site usage more accurately.


Code X Nebula does not knowingly collect personal data from minors under the age of 18 through this Site.


Code X Nebula protects personal data provided to this Site from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. The Internet is not a secure environment, and caution should be exercised when sending information via email.


Our policy is to keep the information provided by You as accurate, current, and complete. If inaccuracies are found, please contact us to update or correct personal data.

Update Your Information

If, after registering, You want to modify your personally identifiable information, please contact us. We will respond within thirty (30) days.

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